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som trådtittel sier. ønsker en fungerende 2wd starter!


Jan Erik er meg


pris finner vi ut;)

93981394 om du har:)

Ford Sierra 2.0 MK1 `85

Ford Sierra 4x4 Cosworth limited edition `92
Ford Sierra 2.0 DOHC STV `91
Ford Sierra 2.0 DOHC 5 dørs `91

Finne Fraupompelag


Cvh escort passer :)

-93 Sierra Cosworth STV 4x4
X: -94 Escort Cosworth HTT, -94 Escort cosworth T-25, -94 Escort cosworth T-34, 4x -90 Sierra 4x4 Cosworth, -91 Sierra Cosworth 2wd, - 89 Sierra Cosworth 2wd, -88 Sierra Cosworth 2wd
-91 Scorpio Cosworth


virke ikke akkurat som man får det kasta etter sæ heller:p

Ford Sierra 2.0 MK1 `85

Ford Sierra 4x4 Cosworth limited edition `92
Ford Sierra 2.0 DOHC STV `91
Ford Sierra 2.0 DOHC 5 dørs `91

Finne Fraupompelag


connect starter

"Understeer" is when you hit the fence with the front of the car.

"Oversteer" is when you hit the fence with the rear of the car.

"Horsepower" is how fast you hit the fence.

"Torque" is how far you take the fence with you.


Æ har cvh Escort, bytte gjerne i ein 4x4 starter :P

har en starter med gåent innslag. 4wd

Ford Sierra 2.0 MK1 `85

Ford Sierra 4x4 Cosworth limited edition `92
Ford Sierra 2.0 DOHC STV `91
Ford Sierra 2.0 DOHC 5 dørs `91

Finne Fraupompelag


fikk tak i en ny en til 1900.. bosch med 1,4kw

Ford Sierra 2.0 MK1 `85

Ford Sierra 4x4 Cosworth limited edition `92
Ford Sierra 2.0 DOHC STV `91
Ford Sierra 2.0 DOHC 5 dørs `91

Finne Fraupompelag

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