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Panser til Sierra Cosworth 4x4


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Hvor i landet objektet befinner seg, minimum fylke skal angis.

'minimum fylke skal angis' gjelder ikke 'ønskes kjøpt'.


'03 Silverado, Duramax
'11 VW transporter
'06 Land Cruiser konebil
X'86 Sierra Cos 2wd X'Sierra cos 4x4 X'SVT Lightning

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Ligger et panser i horten hos bror også.. 2500kr mener jeg..


Edited by Fakeworth

-93 Sierra Cosworth STV 4x4
X: -94 Escort Cosworth HTT, -94 Escort cosworth T-25, -94 Escort cosworth T-34, 4x -90 Sierra 4x4 Cosworth, -91 Sierra Cosworth 2wd, - 89 Sierra Cosworth 2wd, -88 Sierra Cosworth 2wd
-91 Scorpio Cosworth

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bare å sende pm det. :P

-93 Sierra Cosworth STV 4x4
X: -94 Escort Cosworth HTT, -94 Escort cosworth T-25, -94 Escort cosworth T-34, 4x -90 Sierra 4x4 Cosworth, -91 Sierra Cosworth 2wd, - 89 Sierra Cosworth 2wd, -88 Sierra Cosworth 2wd
-91 Scorpio Cosworth

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