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2.9's WHAT WORKS!!


Posted by Pat.


First off I wrote this for those of you serious about making as much power possible without having to have a NASA computer with you or a team of engineers.


Lets start off with the air filter, first off buy a K&N or equivalent, cones are better since they have more surface area in which to pull in air. If you don't want to buy a high flow air filter of some sort you might as well stop reading this now because your not very serious about power.


Next on induction if the throttle body, this is a relatively simple choice, the ones on the 86-87 2.8's are much larger and basically your only bolt on piece and tend to increase power in the 3k and up range, without one of these I would find it very difficult to make much power normally aspirated, so I would include this on the must have list. now you can modify the 86-87 TB by sharpening the throttle blade edges, shaving the throttle shaft etc. if you think you need more cfm, also check that they open up all the way, I did have one that didn't.


Next is the upper intake, here is a mod that I just kinda stumbled on while goofing around one day cleaning my intake out. the upper and lower intake are very poorly matched (real bad), so having these port matched and also taking some material of the inside turn of the upper intake to straighten the flow will make significant improvements across the entire RPM band, so much so that it really surprised me, it also made a surprising improvement in the exhaust tone (when an intake mod makes a noticeable change in exhaust tone you know you changed something pretty substantial). I would also put this on the must do list because this is a rather substantial bottleneck.


Before I get to the lower intake let me also recommend phenolic spacers between the upper and lower intakes, this is a non heat conductive material that keep the heat from the heads lower intake etc. from finding there way up to the upper intake, thereby keeping the upper intake substantially cooler, and I already explained why that helps above.


Now the lower intake, this one I have a hard time telling you how much gain you get out of doing some port work on the lower since I did the headers and lower intake at the same time, but let me say it's probably worth your while, while you have it out to port match the lower ports to the heads, make them slightly smaller than the head ports though, nothing is worse than running air into a wall, better to have it expand slightly. also it helps to reduce the injector bosses protrusion into the ports, so trim these down a bit but not so much as to reduce their integrity. there's some little restrictions in the lower as well that you can easily find by running you hand through them that you can smooth out to help flow. I don't count this as a must do but it won't hurt anything.


Now the Heads, since 2.9 heads are relatively expensive, and there is a book out on how to port them I highly recommend Sven Pruett's book, "how to build and modify ford 60 degree v6's" this will run you through it, and gives you excellent advice on building the short block as well, plus Sven helps us out here so please support him.


Now to the exhaust, fist off the stock exhaust manifold suck so what do you do about this problem, HEADERS.

Now header choices for a 2.9 are relatively small, JBA's for the 4x4's, or JBA or Pacesetter for the 2wd's, both I believe come with an H or Y-pipe depending on year. these are one of those must have deals since their benefit is two fold and they do give you a noticeable power increase.



Now for the ever controversial exhaust pipe size dilemma. Here's my recommendations, for full duals stay with 2" pipe as long as you can at least 3 or 4 feet after the h-pipe then you can go slightly larger for the muffler etc, but stay 2.25 or under if possible


now to the ignition system, buy, a Crane PS-91 coil, then if you want to give it that little bit of extra effort get yourself an ignition box such as an MSD or Crane Hi-6, this will be more than enough ignition to feed a 2.9 to excess of 6 grand.


I think that covered most of the basics, If I think of something later I will add to it.






Hei. tror det her reffereres til den US type 2.9 motoren . den har et annet innsug en Europa typen.


sitter kun 1 spjeld på Bronco II


det innsuget er ganske restrikt. og her henter man sikker noen føll ved å ta ut litt.



men det dobble spjeld innsuget til våres 2.9i har ikke dett problemet. men kan sikkert pusse litt på dette og om man kjeder seg.



Nå har ikke eieren sagt noe om hva type bensinsystem han vil kjøre. så regner da med std 2.9 efi.


denne bør da moddes litt med tanke på at den ikke er helt optimal slik i utgangspunktet.

Edited by BR Racing V6

83 merkur xr4ti widebody,langtidsprosject.start ca 2015

85 sierra xr4x4 orginal 3dørs. 2.8 v6 turbo,utstilling/bane.sikte på shine på denne her start 2014

85 sierra xr4x4 isbil .v6 3.0(2.8base) rally sugemotor E85/Nos.halvbur.isdekk.fortsetter høsten 2013,kjøre vinter 14:)

88 sierra sedan cosworth replica. sohc 2.0 motor under bygging..E85.høsten 2013

88 Sierra cosworth banebil bredda sedan.kjøre 2014.mye gjennstår.Motor pinto E85 2.0 eller Lima 2.5

  • 2 weeks later...

Nå .hvodan gjekk det med porting og modding her da?


har du lite kr. og skal ta en kjapp oppgradering av org styresystem. skift til en justerbar trykkregulator. evt bruk en slangeklemme på returen ut fra org regulator.det har jeg brukt på 24v min


er kun 0.5bar øking. som gir 8-10hk-


org er trykket 3bar. jeg strupa mere og mere. til jeg ikke fikk trekt til mye mere. så merka den drog fetere. men du må ta av lamba sondene da. ellers just motoren seg bare til bake.




83 merkur xr4ti widebody,langtidsprosject.start ca 2015

85 sierra xr4x4 orginal 3dørs. 2.8 v6 turbo,utstilling/bane.sikte på shine på denne her start 2014

85 sierra xr4x4 isbil .v6 3.0(2.8base) rally sugemotor E85/Nos.halvbur.isdekk.fortsetter høsten 2013,kjøre vinter 14:)

88 sierra sedan cosworth replica. sohc 2.0 motor under bygging..E85.høsten 2013

88 Sierra cosworth banebil bredda sedan.kjøre 2014.mye gjennstår.Motor pinto E85 2.0 eller Lima 2.5


mårn. joda, driver med toppene på skola.. så det tar jo litt tid da når jeg bare har noen timer i uka.. men de er ferdin frest og så og si ferdig polerte, manler litt på ene innsugs siden.


hørtes ut som en grei måte med den oppgraderingen av drivstoffsystemet :)


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