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sjekk ut søkefunksjonen...du finner garantert en hel haug med info

89-Ford sierra Doch - Solgt. 90-Sierra cosworth 4x4 - Solgt

97-Bmw 325 tds touring - Solgt. 07-Jeep Commander

88- Sierra sedan IST - vraka

75- Escort Mk2 2.0L


[-] Ford Escort RS Turbo S2 - Prosjektbil - 1.6 CVH EFi, Koni, Cobra, Piper 285T2, Deflex, AP Racing, Megasquirt II v3.0, 2,5" Mongoose, Radtec Intercooler, Escos dyser, Cossiebremser, T3 .48 eksos, 7,4:1 cr, Mintex, Lockheed, Toad CarAlarm, AutoGauge, HKS, Innovate Motorsports, SFS Silicone hoses, OMP, 9mm core plug wire

[-] Ford Sierra 2.0iS - Bruksbil - kent cam FR34

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