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rs turbo felger


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har fire stykk liggende.skal vekk


må hentes før 1 april ellers går de på skroten


pris gratis

"Understeer" is when you hit the fence with the front of the car.

"Oversteer" is when you hit the fence with the rear of the car.

"Horsepower" is how fast you hit the fence.

"Torque" is how far you take the fence with you.

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holder til i lærdal i sogn

"Understeer" is when you hit the fence with the front of the car.

"Oversteer" is when you hit the fence with the rear of the car.

"Horsepower" is how fast you hit the fence.

"Torque" is how far you take the fence with you.

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felgene er helt greie de men litt småplukk på lakk er det.har vært lagra i en låve i 10-11 år


skal prøve å fikse bilder i morgen

"Understeer" is when you hit the fence with the front of the car.

"Oversteer" is when you hit the fence with the rear of the car.

"Horsepower" is how fast you hit the fence.

"Torque" is how far you take the fence with you.

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Ja!... intressert i bilder jeg også...Mine RS felger var det visst relativt mye kast i....


Har du hatt dine i balanserings-maskin noen gang?... :unsure:




men har desverre ikkje fått tid til å ta bilder i dag heller


felgene er gratis for de som vil dem.må hentes eller betales frakt for

"Understeer" is when you hit the fence with the front of the car.

"Oversteer" is when you hit the fence with the rear of the car.

"Horsepower" is how fast you hit the fence.

"Torque" is how far you take the fence with you.

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frakt blir ca 500 spenn til oslobygda for den som vil betale det.




er å treffe 3 april i lærdal. skal på tur i helga

"Understeer" is when you hit the fence with the front of the car.

"Oversteer" is when you hit the fence with the rear of the car.

"Horsepower" is how fast you hit the fence.

"Torque" is how far you take the fence with you.

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Jau, får nok plass til de felgene skal du se :=)

Tenkte jeg kunne ta de med, siden jeg kjører gjennom den bygda likevell ;)


Om ting ikke endrer seg, så går jeg utifra at alt er klart nå? Sender du meg en PM med info om tid + adresse/sted capri-rs, eller et nummer jeg kan få tak i deg på?



I'm off..

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da er saken grei.

felgene er dine peder`n

"Understeer" is when you hit the fence with the front of the car.

"Oversteer" is when you hit the fence with the rear of the car.

"Horsepower" is how fast you hit the fence.

"Torque" is how far you take the fence with you.

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