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ecu spørsmål


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er ganske ny på cosworth motorstyring, så har noen spørsmål. hvilken hjerne er dette:


hvit CO skrue, og det står wd 48.08/l3E.31 på den.


og hvordan kan jeg vite at jeg har rett motornett til den?


åpnet den opp og fant denne: brikken med klisterlapp på liggenes lør inni, satte den på plass, men er det rett vei? og er det en chip? eventuelt noen som veit vilken type? og hva er den andre uten klisterlapp?



ellnettet kontakt, har ikke lamda:



takker for svar..

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ECU types used in Sierra (RS) Cosworth:

All type of Sierra (RS) Cosworth use a Weber Marelli type of ECU (Engine Control Unit or motormanagement) however, these ECU's have changed over the years as demands grew and computer technology improved.

Although, as far as known, all ECU's use the same connector pin-out (und thus can be electrically interchanged) one can not use for instance the latest ECU on the earliest Cosworth. This is because the ECU is fully "tuned" to the engine characteristics which have dramatically changed over the years. The latest ECU's also use input from several additional sensors which are not available in older models.

Here is an overview of ECU's used and how to recognise them:


Level 1:

Used on the RWD hatchback RS Cosworth, has 64Kb of memory. Can be recognised by the mounting flange on the front face and a yellow CO adjustment screw.

Level 6:

Used on the RWD sedan (RS) Cosworth, has the same capabilities as the level 1 model but uses totally different electronics. That's why Level 1 and Level 6 chips can not be interchanged.

Can be recognised by the mounting flange on the front face (like the Level 1) and a white CO adjustment screw (Level 1 has a yellow one).

Level 8:

Used on the 4x4 sedan (RS) Cosworth, has twice the memory storage capacity (128Kb instead of 64Kb) as Level 1 and Level 6. That's why chips can not be interchanged.

Level 8 was available in 2 type since the engine in the 4x4 was available with and without hego-sensor (i.e. with and without catalytic convertor).

Can be recognised by not having mounting flanges and a green or red label with WD48.08.

The one with the green label and second code IAW048/01 is for the catalytic convertor (US83) model.

The one with the red label and second code IAW048/02 is for the non catalytic convertor (15/04) model.

It is uncertain if units/chips can be interchanged between red and green types/engines.

There are also Weber Marelli P8 (no flanges, white label IAW48/P8) and Ford EECIV (totally different from Weber Marelli, central bolt to hold connector) ECU's around. These are however only intended for use on a Escort RS Cosworth but you might find them in some motorsport Sierra's (RS) Co

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hadde håpa det var l6 jeg.. motoren er 2wd og tror ledningsnettet er det også.

men da er det l8 da ja.. er det samme hva slags motornett som blir brukt da?




du kan bruke l8 på l6 el nett.einaste du jer er å bytte om dei 2 ytterste ledningene på tps sensoren..


mvh torbjørn

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nå ble jeg sjikkelig i tvil her. noe man kan finne ut helt sikkert hvilken ledingsnett man har?


så hvis jeg har 4x4 ledningsnett må jeg bytte induktive givern på reimhjulet, og hvis jeg har 2wd nett? sorry at jeg må få dette inn med tesje her.. hehe

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4x4 nettet er 2delt. har du 2wd motor og 4x4 ledningsnett må du som torbjørn sier bytte om de to ytterste ledningene på tps-kontakten. har gjort dette selv (kjører med L6 hjerne) og det funker helt fint. tps-sensoren er den røde som sitter på gasspjeldet ditt, ikke på reimhjulet.

Edited by armani

2wd sierra cosworth

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