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Thank you for your interest in purchasing my car. I have worked in Germany for 3 months and I've purchased the car there. My company wanted me back home, so currently I'm in United Kingdom.I've bring it home with me but I sell it because the car's steering wheel is on the left side, and so it's difficult driving it around the United Kingdom. The vehicle is in good condition, has no technical damage at all, no scratches or dents, no hidden defects, no smoking,remaining warranty available. It's fun and robust to drive. Technical inspection and emissions testing is passed and stamped as well. It has title of ownership cleared of any obligations or fees and comes with all the documents you need to register it. The price I am looking for my car is EUR 6862 including the shipping costs,insurance and handling.

I will wait for your reply


hva koster de nye nedi der da ??

2012 Focus 1.0 Ecoboost Stv 125 hk

X 2004 Focus ST 170 Imperial Blue

X 87/91 sierra cosworth 4x4 stage 3

X 01 mondeo 2,0 tdi stv 115hk

X 92 fiesta xr2i 1,8 16v (RS1800)

X 88 sierra 2,0 sedan

X 90 sierra 2,0i combi

Har du spurt han om hvorfor den er så cheap ?! :D

sent ny epost så vi for se/høre .............. Ligger på linjen til ryanair.no og sas.no


jeg for se hva svaret blir og hvor bilen står ............ men som vanlig "henger" (lommeboka) den klar .......

Guest focus_mk1

dersom han skal ha forskudd på noen kr så vet du at det er tull

Guest cossie93
Posted (edited)

Med følgende svar på epost


Thank you for your interest in purchasing my car. I have worked in Germany for 3 months and I've purchased the car there. My company wanted me back home, so currently I'm in United Kingdom.I've bring it home with me but I sell it because the car's steering wheel is on the left side, and so it's difficult driving it around the United Kingdom. The vehicle is in good condition, has no technical damage at all, no scratches or dents, no hidden defects, no smoking,remaining warranty available. It's fun and robust to drive. Technical inspection and emissions testing is passed and stamped as well. It has title of ownership cleared of any obligations or fees and comes with all the documents you need to register it. The price I am looking for my car is EUR 6862 including the shipping costs,insurance and handling.

I will wait for your reply

dette er helt sikkert lureri..har fått en nesten identisk mail tidligere...angående en supra med stroker motor..=) men da var det en i familien som var syk..=) send svar tilbake for morro skyld å se hva du får tilbake..

Edited by cossie93

hmm, den teksten der har jeg lest på ebay.co.uk en escort cosworth tilsalgs der, meg og to kamerater ble svindlet for 12000kr idag, eg mast 6, og de to andre mast 3, på ebay så IKKE BETAL utenom paypal uansett hva de sier, da er du ikke forsikret uansett hva dem sier og viser,


Bruksbil: 2005 E-61 Bmw 535dat M-Sport

Under bygging: Escort F-40 4x4 1Uzfe Twin Efr 6258 WRC understell, Quaife Seq q-69 + masse grommt På passionford


Dette forumet mangler styring......

hmm, den teksten der har jeg lest på ebay.co.uk en escort cosworth tilsalgs der, meg og to kamerater ble svindlet for 12000kr idag, eg mast 6, og de to andre mast 3, på ebay så IKKE BETAL utenom paypal uansett hva de sier, da er du ikke forsikret uansett hva dem sier og viser,


Hva ble dere svindlet på?legg ut link slik at andre som handler mye der har noe å se etter.Tenker på kallenavn på selger o.l.

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